Dryer Vent Cleaning Leland | Dryer Vent Clogs Cause Fires

This content was written for Window Ninjas Window & Pressure Cleaning.

Has your dryer been acting up lately? If you think it is time to call in the calvary, then give dryer vent cleaning Leland a call. Our pros are fully insured and bonded and have tons of experience. We have been in the business for over twenty-five years. Getting an awesome dryer vent cleaning experience from a long standing company that can back up their work is not always easy to come by, but we have it all. When you hire us to do a job for you you are getting the best of the best. Not only are we locally owned and operated, but we are committed to providing great customer service and an unparalleled work ethic. Your satisfaction is guaranteed! Getting what you deserve should be number one and we can provide you with that. We understand that you have worked hard for your investment and that taking care of it can take a village sometimes. Window Ninjas can provide you with simple solutions to everyday challenges for even the busiest of people who want to take care of their homes and make home maintenance a priority. Dryer vent cleaning is important not only for keeping your drying running as it should but also for keeping you and your family safe. Did you know that lint is highly combustible and can ignite easily under the right circumstances? It can and when the dryer vent becomes clogged this creates a dangerous situation. It is important to have the dryer vent cleaned out every year. Give us a call now at 910-538-4223 or feel free to reach us on our website at windowninjas.com for a free quote.

Dryer vent cleaning Leland can save you a lot of time and money in the long run. We can save you time from worry and time from having to go find the tools needed to clean your own dryer. We can also save you the time from having to do this job yourself. We can do this job in about 45 minutes for you with our professional skills and knowledge of how to get it done quickly and efficiently. We have been doing this type of work for so long that we have gotten our systems down just right. We also know what to look for when we are inspecting the dryer vent and can give you honest answers and guidance about the condition of your dryer vent. We believe in being transparent with our customers. After all, if we can make life a little easier for you, why not. You deserve to be told the honest truth and given the opportunity to choose what is right for you. Safety though should be of the utmost importance. Getting the lint out of your dryer vent is important because lint is highly combustible and it is only going to take just the right circumstance for it to ignite. Why waste time trying to find a new dryer to buy or figure out if your dryer is acting up because an electrical part is going bad? It could be just an easy fix with dryer vent cleaning.

Clogged dryer vents create less room for hot air and moisture to escape when the dryer is running. Unfortunately, lint is going to get stuck inside of the dryer vent over time and need to be removed because of water drops being formed and causing the lint to clump. After the lint clumps it will eventually dry and harden inside of the dryer vent. So much lint can build up creating a dangerous situation. How can you tell if this is the case inside of your dryer vent? Well for one thing is the dryer flap on the outside of the house opening when the dryer is running? This is always a good indication of what is going on inside of the vent. If the flap is open then that is a good sign. Does the clothing feel hot to the touch when it is time to remove the clothing from the dryer? If it is, then your dryer vent probably needs to be cleaned out. Are you having to run the dryer multiple cycles to get the clothing dry? Or are you having to increase the amount of time that the drying cycle is taking to get the clothing dry? If either of these is the case then your dryer vent needs to be cleaned out. Our team at dryer vent cleaning Leland will be more than happy to inspect your dryer vent and clean the vent out for you.

Your dryer may not need a major repair or to be completely replaced at this time. If it has been a year or longer since you had the dryer vent cleaned out the last time, then dryer vent cleaning could easily solve your problem. Save yourself a bigger headache and costly repair bills later too. If you keep running your dryer with the vent clogged with lint you will wear your dryer out faster. Your energy bill will go up too! And the worst case scenario will be that you have a dryer vent fire because you did not listen to reason. Don’t kick the can down the road and think that not taking care of the problem will solve itself. It will only make matters worse. Dryer vent cleaning Leland has what you need to get you back on track for safe and efficient dry use.

Our team can get you scheduled for dryer vent cleaning Leland service soon. Just reach out and get started today. You will be glad that you did! Our pros are excellent to work with and will brighten your life like a ray of sunshine.

To reach dryer vent cleaning Leland give us a call at 910-538-4223 or feel free to find us on our website at windowninjas.com. We look forward to serving you soon!