Simpsonville Window Cleaning

Window Cleaning Simpsonville | Interesting Window Cleaning Facts

This content was written for Window Ninjas Window & Pressure Cleaning.

Window cleaning services are more than just getting your windows cleaned. A window cleaning Simpsonville service will not only allow in more natural light and heat but also reduce your energy bills and remove all of the dirt that can degrade the glass of your windows. We recommend getting your windows cleaned at least once a month for all businesses and quarterly for all Residential Properties but we can come out more often depending on your needs. We use an environmentally safe neutral pH Wash and condition process which leaves behind an invisible shield on your windows that repels the dirt, dust , pollen and other particles. This formula has anti-static properties which ensure that your windows stay clean longer than any other cleaners on the market. so give Window Ninjas a call today at 864-558-7758 or visit our wonderful website at for all of your window cleaning needs!

When it comes to window cleaning Simpsonville Services there’s a lot to learn! like the most effective tool in a window cleaners kit is the squeegee! having a rubber blade which removes all the water and dirt from the window, and in the right hands it makes for the perfect tool for the job. This is not any modern tool however as it’s been around since the earliest 20th century and was first developed in Chicago. scaffolding was then introduced to allow access to hard to reach windows, and leather safety harnesses were introduced around the same time as the squeegee. This allowed for more safety because window cleaning is one of the most dangerous jobs that you could do, due to the high heights and little fall prevention. Before scaffolding and leather harnesses window cleaners would often just simply balance on the window patches which could be disastrous.

The newest tools however are the deionized water fed poles. These poles limit the risk even more by allowing the workers to clean these high-rise windows from safety with the ground. Not only are they safer for the employees using them but they are also not using any chemicals so there are no harmful toxins being placed onto your windows or making their way down to the ground. When it comes to windows and just however none of our cleaning solutions are toxic we use environmentally safe neutral pH soaps to ensure that we’re also not harming the environment around us. so give us a call for a window cleaning Simpsonville service!

Did you know that New York is the home of modern window cleaning methods? It’s also a city filled with towering glass skyscrapers and it’s no surprise that in 1931 the city was home to more than 3,000 window cleaners developing their trade. cleaning these Giants buildings would take a lot of effort and it can take up to 4 weeks to clean all the windows on the Hearst tower. It takes six window cleaners almost 4 months to clean the 80 glass walls of the Time Warner Centre! These massive Feats are a big deal when it comes to ensuring they are done as this glass has to look beautiful and clean no matter what.

We here at Window Ninjas clean all Glass by hand and squeegee it dry. This will leave behind that Crystal Clear shine that you were looking for and that Windex simply cannot. Windex will leave streaks that are impossible to just wipe away with a paper towel or newspaper. This is because of the inert ingredients inside of it including the perfumes and the dies. They are pulled to the sun, kind of like a plant in front of a window. This is what will leave a foggy and streaky look. Our amazing window cleaning solution here at Windows is Freeze all those inert ingredients and allows for a perfect spot-free dry every time. This is why when we say that our window cleaning solution is the best of the best we really mean it because it is when it comes down to the science of it!

He also uses a microfiber towel for any sales and access water and a hawk towel for detailing and getting rid of any remaining water from your windows. We include window sills in our standard window cleaning Simpsonville service; however , traction screens are separate services. We also have a deionized water fin pool window cleaning for any high class that you may have. The service will allow for all exterior windows to be scrubbed and soaked down using a water-fed pole and brush. This will clean more than just the glass as it cleans the frame sold and mullions. The process is then completed with a deionized water rinse to ensure that no debris, dirt or minerals are left on the glass allowing it to dry spot free. This is possible because the water is run through a floor filter system that deionizes the water. when it comes out of this system it’s clean to 0 to 15 parts per million. This multi-thousand dollar system works great for accessibility of windows that are too high to reach and are behind trees and hard to reach areas. Using the system in conjunction with our environmentally safe and neutral pH Wash and condition process will allow for an invisible shield to be left on your windows repelling all the dirt dust and pollen like I was talking about before.

Now that you know more about the window cleaning services and about Window Ninjas techniques, we hope that you choose us to be your one trusted company for all of your needs. we cannot wait to service you and leave your home shining in a way that you have never seen before! you can reach us at 864-558-7758 or visit our wonderful website at for all of your window cleaning Simpsonville needs! We cannot wait to leave you with a smile on your face and Shining clean windows!