This content was written for Window Ninjas Window & Pressure Cleaning.

Your chimney and fireplace work hard to guarantee that you and your loved ones have a reliable source of heat throughout the winter, however because of how hard it has to work they often require more upkeep than other forms of heating. Getting a regular Chimney Sweep Hampstead service will not only aid in increasing the efficiency of your chimney but also better guarantee it is operating as safely as possible. This is very important when it comes to the safety of you and your family. Not only can neglecting your chimney possibly cause chimney fires, but there is also the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning! So give Window Ninjas a call today at 910-538-4223 or visit our website at for all your chimney sweeping needs!

There are many risks that come with neglecting to get a chimney sweep Hampstead service! The biggest risk is a fire within your chimney occurring. This can happen because of creosote buildup igniting from a spark or flame touching it. Creosote is highly flammable and causes many chimney fires every year. Over time the fires that you burn will slowly cause damage to your chimneys lining and even a small amount of creosote can be enough to start a fire. No matter what kind of logs that you were burning in your fireplace you should always prioritize regular Hampstead chimney sweep services.

What Other Risks Are There?

Another big risk of neglecting your chimney is the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning! Carbon monoxide is odorless and invisible and can be quite difficult to determine if its levels are too high. Things like creosote, or soot, Twigs dirt and other debris build up in the chimney and hinder its ability to properly release the toxins and smoke from the fire. This means that these toxins will build up and then be released back into your home.Smoke is easily detected by its certain smell and it is visible, where carbon monoxide is impossible to detect without a correctly placed carbon monoxide detector. Your carbon monoxide detector should be placed towards the floor rather than the ceiling like a smoke detector would. This is because carbon monoxide sinks rather than Rises, because it is heavier than air, meaning by the time it reaches the ceiling or where the detector would be able to detect it, it would have already been deadly to you.

When smoke infiltrates your home it can not only cause damages to your lungs, but also to your home itself! Both smoke and Ash can also do a ton of damage to your home resulting in costly repairs that could have been avoided. The best thing to do is always make sure to have your yearly chimney sweep Hampstead service scheduled, and make sure it gets done!

What Benefits Come With A Chimney Sweep?

Having your chimney Clean and Free of debris makes it easier for professionals to perform your routine chimney inspections. When there is an over abundance of creosote and soot deposits present, it’s a lot more difficult to reach areas such as the damper and smoke shelf and may hinder the diagnosis of any issue going on within your chimney system. This could become a hazard on its own as if you were unaware of any issues going on in your chimney system and use it, it could cause catastrophe. In some cases it could cause smoke and carbon monoxide to infiltrate your home, in other cases it could cause your chimneys to collapse.

When your chimney is kept properly clean it will also allow for a more thorough and efficient burn of the wood in your fireplace. When this is the case it will improve the overall warmth of your home and create a more comfortable atmosphere for you and your loved ones to enjoy. When your chimney is clogged it prevents an adequate amount of oxygen from reaching the burning wood. This means the wood could burn unevenly, or even in some scenarios the fire could go out, leaving you and your loved ones cold through the winter. In worst case scenarios, this can cause a chimney fire! So give Window Ninjas a call for all your chimney sweep Hampstead needs!

Why Not DIY?

Now I know what you’re thinking, it could be cheaper just to do it yourself or have your hubby do it. However, this can be quite dangerous and end up being more expensive if you or your hubby gets hurt falling from the roof! Not to mention the tools to get it done properly can be quite expensive to buy or rent, And you may not even know how to use them! There are also many dangers that come with not ensuring that you got every bit of creosote from your chimney. creosote is highly flammable and can cause large chimney fires that could possibly burn down your entire home or apartment building. We have all of the tools that we need to ensure that your chimney is free of any combustible deposits or obstructions, and we will get it done in about half the time it would take you.

Choose Window Ninjas Today!

There are many methods to chimney sweeping, however, Window Ninjas uses a sweeping vacuum method. We use a hose and vacuum to suck out all the soot, or creosote, and debris from your chimney and fireplace. We also make sure to put a cover over the opening of your fireplace to ensure no debris enters your home, causing damages!

Now that you have this plethora of information about chimney sweeping we hope that you choose us to be your one trusted company for all of your needs. we cannot wait to service you and leave your chimney shining like never before. if you would like to schedule an appointment you can reach us at 910-538-4223 or visit our wonderful website at for all of your chimney sweep Hampstead needs!