Chimney Sweeping Williamsburg | Hazards Of Neglecting Chimney Sweeping

This content was written for Window Ninjas  Window & Pressure Cleaning.

Your chimney and fireplace work very hard to guarantee that you and your loved ones have a reliable source of heat throughout the winter. Getting a regular chimney sweeping Williamsburg service will ensure that the efficiency of your chimney is going to increase but it will also better guarantee that your chimney is operating as safely as possible. This is very important when it comes to the safety of you and your family within your home during the winter seasons. I know burning fires was always one of the Traditions that my family did around Christmas time.  We would sit by the fire as a family and open our gifts or watch  Christmas movies together,  and enjoy the warmth of the fire.  if this is your plan this winter as well but it is definitely important that you get your yearly chimney sweeping service done as soon as possible. If you’re ready to go ahead and schedule that chimney sweeping service then go ahead and give us a call at 757-785-5850 or visit our wonderful website at for all your chimney sweeping needs! 

One of the biggest risks that comes with not getting a chimney sweeping Williamsburg service done every year is carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide is an odorless tasteless and invisible gas that can be quite difficult to determine when levels are too high. Things like creosote Twigs dirt and other debris buildup in your chimney and will hinder its ability to properly release the toxins and smoke from the fire out of your home. This means that these toxins build up and then are released back into your home for you to Breathe In. Smoke on one hand is quite easy to recognize the dangers of almost immediately, however on the other hand carbon monoxide is almost impossible to detect unless you have a detector correctly placed in your home. Your carbon monoxide detector should be placed towards the floor rather than the ceiling like a smoke detector would. This is because carbon monoxide sinks rather than Rises because it’s heavier than their meaning by the time it reaches the ceiling or where your detector would be able to detect it. It would have already been quite dangerous and possibly deadly for you.  it is very important to make sure that your  carbon monoxide detector is placed correctly!  The reason that I know the placement should be towards the floor is because my sister is a firefighter for Fayetteville, North Carolina.  Well doing her training she learned that the carbon monoxide detector must be placed towards the floor because of the fact that the gas is heavier than air. This is something that is stuck with me because most of the places that we have rented in Wilmington usually have their carbon monoxide detectors up with the smoke detectors.

A properly clean chimney will also allow for a more thorough and efficient burn of the wood in your fireplace. When this is the case, it improves the overall warmth of your home and creates a more comfortable atmosphere for you and your loved ones to enjoy. When your chimney is clogged it will prevent an adequate amount of oxygen from reaching the burning wood which means the burn could happen evenly. And some scenarios the fire could go out leaving you and your loved ones cold through the winter as well but in the worst-case scenarios this can cause a chimney fire! So give us a call today and schedule your chimney sweeping Williamsburg service! 

Having your chimney swept with a chimney sweeping Williamsburg service and ensuring that it is clean and free of debris will also make it easier for professionals to perform their routine chimney inspections for you. When there is an overabundance of creosote deposits present it is more difficult to reach areas such as the damper and smoke shelf and may hinder the diagnosis  of any damages going on within your chimney system. This can become a hazard on its own as if you were unaware of any issues going on in your chimney and use it it could cause catastrophe. In some cases it can cause smoke and carbon monoxide to infiltrate your home but in other cases it could even cause your chimney to collapse!

There are many Reasons that you should get a chimney sweeping Williamsburg service with  Window Ninjas ,  but one of the biggest reasons is because of our amazing reviews. We believe that reviews are the best way to tell what working with the company is like. You get to see the experiences of others and also how we deal with any criticism or complaints that we may have going on. We also have always made decisions for our company based on the experiences of others and want to continue to do that in the future. We believe that this is the best way to improve our company for the customers.

In the past it was always friends, neighbors and family who told you about new businesses but now you have the entire internet with a more broad perspective for more representation of each company. This will help you a little bit more and determine which is the best company for you and we hope that that company is Window Ninjas ! We are highly rated in Love by all and cannot wait to service you and your property and leave a smile on your face!  We also have a 30-day warranty on all of our services in which we will come back out and fix any issues that you may have with the service that we have completed for you with a smile on her face and free of charge to you!

Now that you know more about chimney sweeping services and about Window Ninjas  we hope that you choose us to be your one trusted company for all of your chimney sweeping needs. We cannot wait to service your home and leave it shining in a way that you have never seen before. As I stated before there’s so many reasons to get your chimney swept professionally so please make sure that you get it done at least once a year before you start running your Fires for the winter. You can reach us at 757-785-5850 or visit our wonderful website at to schedule your chimney sweeping Williamsburg services today!