This content was written for Window Ninjas Window & Pressure Cleaning.

Have you noticed your dryer acting funny and can’t figure out why? Well, if you are anything like me, you had no idea what a dryer vent cleaning Virginia Beach service was until you were in need of it. That’s why I want to talk about dryer vent cleaning services in this article, to help educate people like me that just had no idea. Your dryer is just like every other major appliance in your home, and therefore it needs regular care and maintenance. Our team and the National Fire Protection Association recommend having this service completed by professionals at least once a year. It is recommended if you have a larger family than five people, you use your dryer on a daily basis, you have several pets with a lot of fur, or of course if you are a commercial use customer, that you have your driving cleaned more than once a year. If you are unsure, you can always ask our technicians while they are on site and able to access the situation correctly, and they can help lead you in the right direction of how often you wore dryer. It needs to be thoroughly cleaned.

First let’s talk about why it is so important to let the professionals handle your dryer vent cleaning Virginia Beach service. The National Fire Protection Association records that there are an average of almost 14,000 fires every year, and that is strictly from Home Fires that started by dryers. On average those dryer fires cause seven deaths, 344 injuries, as well as 233 million dollars in property damage. again, that is on a yearly basis. That is why it is so important to stay on top of your dryer and cleaning services, and to let the professionals handle the service for you.

If you want to try To handle your dryer vent cleaning Virginia Beach service on your own, you may end up making the clog much worse and significantly increase your chance of a dryer fire. If you do not clean your dryer vent system from the inside and the outside, you may just push the clog from one end of your dryer vent system to the other. that is going to make the clock way worse, and significantly increase your fire hazard. That is why window ninja technicians clean your dryer vent from the inside and the outside, using a vacuuming and snaking method.

Now if you’re wondering what the heck is a snaking method? A snake is a brush mounted onto several flexible rods that are attached to a drill. Our technicians will send the brush and the rods into your dryer vent duct. Our technicians will then turn the drill on so that the spinning action of the brush Works to remove any clogs within your dryer vents, like lint and other clothing. This can also help to remove blockages from birds and other small Critters that like to make their nest within your dryer vent system. If you think about it, your dryer vent system is a great place for Little Critters to make their nest. It’s quiet, it’s warm, it’s hidden from potential predators, and it’s pretty undisturbed. That is why it is so important to make sure our technicians are thoroughly cleaning your entire dryer vent system which includes your dryer exhaust, vent, duct, hose, and exit point.

All right, so now you know that Window Ninjas is here for your dryer vent cleaning Virginia Beach services. but you might be wondering, what signs do I need to look for? and that is a great question, and I’ll go over some of the signs here with you.

The first sign that you need a dryer vent cleaning service is when your dryer starts running for longer periods of time than normal. So let’s say a dryer typically takes 60 minutes to complete a normal dry cycle. but now you notice it’s taking 90 minutes. It’s taking longer to dry your clothes because the debris is already starting to build up in your dryer vent system. and when that debris is clogging the air flow, it means that your dryer has to work for that extended period of time just to get your clothes the same level of dry as normal.

if your clothes are starting to come out of your dryer still wet. This means that your dryer vent system is getting pretty clogged up that now even extended periods of time cannot completely dry your clothes. your clothes could also come out of your dryer dry but smell like mildew. that’s another good sign that there is too much blockage in your dryer vent system, which means that your wet clothes are sitting there for extended periods of time and nasty contaminants like mold and mildew are starting to take hold. It’s the same kind of thing if you accidentally leave your clothes in the washer for several hours or even a whole day. They stink, don’t they? And you have to re-wash them, don’t you? The same thing happens with your dryer being too clogged up to be able to properly dry your clothes, so then your clothes stink and you have to re-wash and dry them.

Those are two of the most common signs to look for when your dryer is starting to act a little strange, and it means that you need to give Window Ninjas a call today to schedule your dryer vent cleaning Virginia Beach services. Our team is standing by and is ready to help clean your dryer vent system from the inside and the outside to remove all of the lint and other debris. all you have to do is give us a call today to schedule your appointment, then we do need about an hour of your time for the appointment itself since we are cleaning from the inside and the outside. so just give us a call today at 757-425-1224 or visit our website at