window cleaning Brentwood



Window Cleaning Brentwood | Nothing Dirtier Than A Dirty Window

This content was written for Window Ninjas Windows & Pressure Cleaning

Are your windows dirtier than a puppy who just discovered mud puddles after a day of rain? If so, the Window Ninjas are here to make your windows sparkle once again with our window cleaning Brentwood service. Now we can’t personally give your dirty dog a bath (we know that can be a project in itself), but we can ensure that your windows are left shining for many days to come. To schedule an appointment with one of our fabulous technicians, give us a call at 615-988-6699 or find us online at 

Our window cleaning Brentwood service will ensure that you have the cleanest windows in the entire neighborhood, and probably even the entire town. Now we know there are many dirty things in the world, including your windows. Some things are even dirtier than your dog when he rolls around in the mud after that rainy day. There’s the aftermath of a large festival and all the trash left behind, there’s that special mud Festival where red people gather to play in the mud, and  there’s that mound of dirty dishes after your family has come to stay for a weekend for staycation.  Yet all these dirty things are rare occasions that you are not confronted with every day of your life. You are not forced to stare down a festival’s aftermath or wash your clothing after a mud fest every single day. You do not need to bathe your puppy Max every time he goes outside, and you don’t always have an exuberant amount of dishes to clean. However, the one thing you are constantly forced to look at is your windows. 

Your windows are the gateway to the outside world. Each day you wake up, you probably open up your blinds, and take a look outside. You examine what the weather looks like, what neighbors are going for a run. I questioned why they would do that, and you take a deep breath and decide your plans for the day. When your windows are dirty, all of your motivation can change. The beginning to see only the dirt and dust of the day, instead of the positivity and power you need to get through.  Instead of brooding about your dirty Windows, do something about it and call the Window Ninjas to schedule your window cleaning Brentwood service today.

Dirty windows can have a large effect on your household. In fact, when windows are left untreated, they actually prevent natural light from entering your home. Now when you’re trying to find your motivation to get started, you’re left with a dark and dingy environment that just wants you to lay back in bed. When you have your windows professionally cleaned, the opposite occurs. Natural light is able to flow effortlessly into your home and provide you with the warm side only the sun can give. This actually helps to lower your energy bills, as you will have to run the heat less often as your home will be heated by that natural light.

Another negative effect of dirty windows is that they damage the air quality of your household. The mold and mildew that sticks and clings to your windows can actually be making the inhabitants of your house sick. Why you may blame it on allergies, the changing weather, or on your husband’s business partner, the real reason for your cold-like symptoms could be the air quality in your home. These untreated windows actually allow the mold and mildew to enter your home environment and can make you feel sick. You may start coughing, sneezing, or feel general fatigue because of your dirty Windows. This could all be a simple fix if you were to call the Window Ninjas today.

With our window cleaning Brentwood service, you can be sure that not only will your windows be left sparkling, but that all of that dirt, dust, and mold will be removed from your Windows Surface. Proper window cleaning requires the necessary materials that only professionals have. If you were to try to clean your windows on your own with your paper towels and Windex, you would not be removing all of that hard to reach mold and mildew. Instead you were just leaving behind streaks that these household cleaners are Infamous for. Lee’s cleaners actually contain harsh dyes and chemicals that make them smell good and look pretty, but are not good for your home. The window ninja specialized pH solution is environmentally friendly and also highly effective at cleaning all of that hard to remove residue from your windows. 

The Window Ninja’s specialized formula also helps Aleve an anti static shield on your windows after cleaning is completed. This helps to repel any of the dirt, dust, and mildew from returning to your windows anytime soon. This means that your windows will stay cleaner longer, and that you will save money on future services. For an additional fee, the Window Ninjas will also scrub clean your tracks and screens of your windows so you can be sure that there is no dirt being left behind.

Our window cleaning Brentwood service is the perfect fit for people like you who have busy schedules and not enough time in the day to get everything done. While allowing our Window Ninjas to professionally clean your windows, you’re investing in a company that really cares about their customers. Our customer service team will go above and beyond to ensure that you have a positive experience with our company, and that you are less satisfied after your cleaning is completed. In addition, our customer service team will follow up with you after your service is completed to receive any feedback or concerns you may have had during your cleaning. This allows us to continuously improve on our journey to be the best in the business.

The Window Ninjas have over 25 years of experience in the window cleaning industry, and this is what makes our window cleaning Brentwood service the absolute best in the area. If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment with one of our technicians, be sure to give us a call at 615-988-6699 or you can visit us online at