window cleaning Greenville SC

Window Cleaning Greenville | Four Steps To Clean Windows Like A Pro

This content was written by Window Ninjas Window & Pressure Cleaning

It’s pretty commonplace for residential homeowners to want the best looking glass. But a window cleaning Greenville project can be quite difficult for the average property owner. We are constantly receiving questions on how to clean windows without streaks. And because we are the authoritative figure in the window cleaning industry, it makes sense that most clients call us. If you are looking for the best way to keep your windows looking streak free and Crystal Clear, let us help. We can provide you with the information you need to tackle this on your own. Or you can choose to call upon our experts to provide a high-quality service for you. Let us help in one way or the other, just give us a call at 864-558-5644. Or you can request our services by visiting us on our website at

We are always happy to help anybody with a professional window cleaning Greenville service. And we are also happy to provide you valuable information about keeping your glass clean and streak free. We have composed the best list for cleaning windows without streaks. So feel free to use any of our helpful tips when you find yourself trying to tackle the chore of cleaning windows this weekend!

Four Steps To Achieve Streak Free Windows

The very first step to cleaning windows properly is choosing the correct window cleaning solution. Most over-the-counter products have some kind of ammonia or alcohol product in them. Then you will notice that there is quite a bit of water added into that bottle of window cleaner that you picked up off your local grocery store Shelf.

You will also notice that there are these things inside of that bottle called inert ingredients. These are perfumes and dyes that are added to ensure that the product you have in your hand has some sort of color and smell. If they did not have these products in them, the ammonia would make you sick from the smell, and you would not be able to tell a bottle of Windex from a glass of water!

Use The Best Glass Cleaning Product

Our professionals here at Window Ninjas use an environmentally friendly chemical that leaves an anti-static barrier protection On your glass. No you cannot purchase this product at your local big-box store, or your local grocery store. But you can purchase it from us. In fact, we would be happy to provide you a bottle of this solution if you use our services. This product does not have any ammonia or alcohol inside of it. And it has been engineered specifically for our company by the best window cleaning production Guru in the world!

Our chemicals provide a streak-free finish, and they protect your glass from the harmful elements that can destroy your view. You will find that this product will keep your windows cleaner longer than any other product on the market. And it will make it easier for you to wipe away smears from your puppy dog’s nose, or the hand prints that your toddler loves to leave all over your window panes!

Choose The Correct Tools To Clean Glass

Choosing the correct tools is the second step in providing your glass with a streak-free result. I’m sure that you have heard those old wives tales. You know the ones where they say use newspapers instead of a rag for cleaning away the dirt and grime from your window panes. The only thing this is going to achieve is the ink from the newspaper left on your hands!

You will want to use the proper tools to clean glass at your home or business property. Here at Window Ninjas we utilize squeegees, soft brush t-bars, and team members that understand how to utilize both of these tools. There’s an art to cleaning windows. And there is a proper method to utilize a squeegee. But if you do take the time and energy to learn how to use a squeegee properly, you can achieve streak free results by using this tool along with the best window cleaning solution.

Allow Us To Help With Your Window Cleaning Greenville Project

We can help you with your next window cleaning Greenville service. And it would be the best thing that you could do for your glass at your home or business property. With our help, we can come into your property and clean all of your windows both interior and exterior. We will leave an anti-static barrier of protection behind, so that it will make your next window cleaning project easier.

We always recommend that you hire our team twice a year. And in between visits, you can tackle the chore of cleaning windows with ease. We can set you up for success so that your windows look amazing all year long! Plus, we also understand that it’s hard to reach those tall windows that are on the second or third floor. So you will not have to worry about maintaining them because you will have us on a regular schedule frequency!

The Final Step To Clean Windows Without Streaks

Our owner and founder has been in the industry for over three decades. Gabe Salinas has been recognized as the world’s greatest window cleaner. And he takes great pride in teaching all of his team’s how to provide the best results for all of our clients. With our help, you can achieve streak free Windows and an enjoyable few to the outside world.

When you are ready to take your window cleaning Greenville project to the next level of cleanliness, allow us the opportunity to help. You can reach our experts by calling us at 864-558-5644. And you can also request our services by visiting us on our website at