This content was written for Window Ninjas Window & Pressure Cleaning.

When it comes to window cleaning services, we know you may have many questions and concerns. However, that’s why we wrote this window cleaning Leland article! We are going to answer the questions on pricing and the benefits of a professional window cleaning service. We do this because we want you to be well informed in your decision-making process, while also being relaxed and allowing us to address your concerns. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the answers to your questions and concerns about window cleaning. You can also reach us at 910-538-4223 or visit to speak to someone directly or request a service.

Window cleaning Leland services can be daunting to have done. Pricing can be a big roadblock for some families, however that shouldn’t be the reason your windows aren’t shining! There are many benefits that come along with having a window cleaning service done in your home. We hear at Window Ninjas also use an environmentally safe neutral pH Wash and condition process. This leaves behind an invisible shield repelling all dirt, dust , pollen and other particles from your windows.

What Does It Cost?

When it comes to getting a window cleaning Leland service we know that cost may be the first thought on your mind. Most standard windows can be cleaned from anywhere between $9 and $13 a window. the price of all of our window cleaning services by window costume most other companies. We can do inside and outside cleaning or just outdoor cleaning and the price will fluctuate depending on which you choose.

There are many things that determine the price of your window cleaning including how many windows you have in your home, the state of the windows, and how hard they are to reach. We have multiple different services available depending on the needs of your home and windows. The average window cleaning service costs between $250 and $450 depending on the size of your home.

Window cleaning prices also fluctuate depending on the type of Windows that you have. standard windows again are between $9 and $13 per window where divided windows can be anywhere between $10 and $19 per window. For storm windows we only give out quotes and when it comes to crank outs and casements it’ll be anywhere between $4 and $12 depending on the size. We even clean EZE Breeze windows, which are vinyl windows!

Window cleaning also saves you crazy amounts of time and money! You will no longer need to rent the proper equipment or buy it which can be quite expensive. And you just also don’t always know the proper technique which will make the job take super long. Our technicians are trained in what they do, entertaining all services so they know exactly what they are doing when I step onto your property. They are very quick and efficient and make sure that everything is done to our high standards and yours and exceeds them.

What Are The Other Benefits of A Pro Window Cleaning Leland Service?

There are many benefits to getting your windows cleaned Professionally but the biggest benefit is the fact that you will get Better results with no hard work. There’s no reason to do a lot of hard work for less than perfect results and with Windex that’s exactly what you will get. We are into your results in our cleaning solution is better than any other on the market. It’s also very tiring work as you have to look around a ladder squeegee and mop. So don’t do all that hard work just to have imperfect windows.

Getting your windows cleaned professionally will also extend the life of your windows. Proper maintenance makes them last longer and look better throughout their life. Don’t you want beautiful and perfect windows in your home for as long as you live in it? I know I do! Just think about it! It even enhances your interior environment as well as allows more natural light, lowers your energy costs, and improves air quality!

Our window cleaning solution also has that invisible shield that I was talking about before which means that they require less cleaning. The anti-static properties keep away dirt dust and other Grime that can accumulate on your windows.

Why Choose Window Ninjas?

Bringing your windows yourself can be a daunting task and we hear Window Ninjas know that and take it into consideration. We want you to be able to relax while getting your windows cleaned, and spend time with friends or family. Not only is it cheaper to get a window cleaning with us here at Window Ninjas than it is to do it yourself, but it also allows for a better spot free shine.

We have amazing customer service here at Window Ninjas and want to ensure that you get the best of the best when it comes to Services provided. Our window cleaning Leland services are the best of the best and we’ll get you shine and clean windows every time.

Final Thoughts:

When it comes to getting your windows cleaned, we know there are many concerns and questions that may arise. We want to ensure that you will relax and be confident in your decision making process, which is why we wrote this article. Cleaning your windows yourself can be quite a daunting task and it can cost you more as you will have to do some more often. getting a professional window cleaning service will ensure that your windows will be left shining year-round.

Now that you have more information we hope that you are ready to make your informed decision on whether you should get a professional window cleaning Leland service or not. We hope that you choose window ninja to be the one trusted company for all of your window cleaning needs no matter what type of window that you have. you can reach us at 910-538-4223 or on our wonderful website at!