Gas or Wood Burning Fireplace: Which is Better?

Gas or Wood Burning Fireplace: Which is Better?

If you’ve looked into buying a home recently, then you are familiar with how different fireplaces look nowadays. With the wide array of styles, you can easily find your ideal fireplace. However, one question may pop in your mind: is a gas or wood burning fireplace...

How Much is Chimney Sweeping?

Who doesn’t love a roaring fireplace in the cold of winter? Fireplaces can be magical between the crackle of a fire, the hypnotic dance of sparks, and the comforting warmth. But behind this cozy sight lies an unsung hero. A silent guardian who ensures your...
How Much Does A Chimney Sweep Cost?

How Much Does A Chimney Sweep Cost?

Keeping your home warm and cozy during winter often means curling up in front of a roaring fire. But have you ever considered the state of your chimney? Just like any other part of your home, chimneys require regular maintenance and cleaning, especially if you want to...